Sea Foam Blizzard

The isles continue to be battered by more storms and gales.  The seas have been wild today. 

Last day off and back to work tomorrow, that means, last chance for a lie in :)  Me and Sammy enjoyed more windswept walkies this morning, and throughout the day, thankfully it's been dry for them.  Popped along mam too for a cuppa and warm up.  This evening I have a squad meeting to attend for the Scalloway Fire Festival, the SFF mass meeting and also trying to squeeze in the darts final too. 

The winds and sea have been battering our isles again today.  The sea had a look of boiling water, with massive waves rolling in at such force, it was turning to foam as it washed ashore.  The wind whipped the foam up the banks and has been blowing it over land, and this has look like it's been snowing.  At times it almost felt like blizzards, like in this photo.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh. 

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