Do Not Feed!

I am having a day of doing little jobs that need doing that I never seem to get round to today. Post has been sent, the computer desk tidied, my forms for registering with a new GP due to the impending closure of our previous practice have been completed and handed in to the new place.

I now need to register the guarantee of my Dad's watch that he bought before Christmas and copy the important info stored in my old diary into my new one!

When I was looking for the postcode of the old doctor's I noticed Google reviews of that surgery. All regarding one particular doctor and what a rude man he was! I'm glad it wasn't just me who'd thought so! He always gave me the impression that he started from the assumption that the patient was either a hypochondriac (Though that's a mental illness, and his best treatment for those is a dose of "Pull Yourself Together!") or after something - be it a skive from work or drugs! After a couple of bad experiences with him I always asked for a different doctor, and would wait if necessary! Appointments with him were always readily available - I wasn't the only one who avoided him!

I hope they are all decent at the new surgery. I had noticed it's been the same names on the door for a long time, unlike the current one where all the names changed frequently apart from Dr, Rude! (Not his real name!)

While I was out I popped into the park to seek out a Blip while the sun was shining. I liked this jaunty little doggie out for her walk. I noticed that her little bandanna has the message "Do Not Feed" probably because she's so cute that people keep offering her treats!

I could do with one of those! Not because I'm so cute that people want to feed me (More the opposite!) No, I'd like one to remind me not to feed myself so much! 

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