
Just in from an action-packed day with R& F and seriously wrecked! We rendezvoused bright and early in a frosty car park in Ballydehob, our destination Kinsale - a good hour and a half away. After a quick coffee stop in Clonakilty we arrived in Kinsale and headed straight for St Multose church - our mission to admire the stained glass - F is doing a talk on stained glass and needing as many pix and info as possible. The stained glass here covers all periods from the straightly religious to the wildly religious. I like the little details and have done a little jiggery pokery  with a few images for the above. Then on to  Crosshaven in search of holy wells - 1 and a half found and none terribly thrilling it has to be said. Quite a lot of traipsing in fields and lurking at the edge of the road and wondering how to wade through fast flowing rivers. We did find one definite - a St Bridget well, rather unloved but a result. Her companion well, dedicated to the BVM, could have been that rather muddy puddle lying amongst the briars and bracken, hence the half.  Crosshaven itself deserved more time than we had for it was getting dark and cold, so we shall have to return.

Apologies for lack of comments - we just need to flop in front of an episode of Who do You Think Your Are (!) so I shall catch up tomorrow. But thanks for the love for the last two pix - two in the top row of the Pops! And do take  a look at  son#1's rather gorgeous take on Durdle Door.

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