Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

tea with Daisy Doo

Drinking tea in the garden with Upsy Daisy Doo. That's how we roll in Essex! Or how we roll at Auntie Gilly's house anyway. The mini pinks had a fabulous afternoon playing with Auntie Gilly, Will and Rosie, and the doggies. I had a fabulous time watching them play, playing with them, chatting to my lovely Gilly and drinking tea. Auntie Gilly is a fabulous Godmother, there was pizza making, and gloop, and teasets, and noisy toys, car boot bargains, my little ponies, cake and doughnuts, and tea....did I mention tea? The mini pinks adore Rosie and William. I love watching a 14 year age gap disappear over a tea set and some pretend play. It was a good afternoon.

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