As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


I can't think of what I did this morning because the evening was quite memorable and I don't have enough space left in my head to remember it all.

Around 3:30 I walked to Dolley's house to be picked up by Shannon with Cheese to go play veebz at Forest City with Tommy, Brandon, and K-Po. After waiting respectfully for the little kids using the court to leave, we got our veebz on. My team of Tom, Shannon, K-Po and I dominated. I actually went pretty hard and dove and stuff; things that I could easily say I wouldn't have done if we were on a gym floor instead of a sand pit. The ball was eventually hit into the murky water of a nearby stream, and it took us quite a while to get it out. We left after getting it out and decided to go to Cuomo Park to play some soccer. The soccer-playing degenerated into this and that's when we decided to leave. K-Po drove Dolley home for dinner, and we said our final goodbyes to him before he heads to Pitt tomorrow. The rest of us went to Shannon's house to have pizza for dinner and to go for a swim. I was the only one in the pool for a bit, but who cares, it was nice. Eventually they were persuaded to join me and we all ended up playing veebz in the pool. We dried off and went to Swirlz and Twirlz for some late-night frozen yogurt. I got my most expensive fro-yo ever, and I have no regrets. We hung out for as long as we could before we had to leave and say goodbye to Shannon and Tommy before they leave for their respective institutes of higher learning tomorrow. Those goodbyes were tough, but in today's technologically advanced society, I have no fears about keeping in touch with them.

Word of the Day: Hieratic - Highly restrained or severe in emotional import

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