Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Building Stuff

Mum and I went to the Science Centre this morning. On our way there, we saw some men in hard hats, yellow waistcoats and big boots. "They are builders" I informed Mum. I know this from my app, 'Bizzy Bear Builds A House'. At the Science Centre, there is a big crane that you can use to lift a pile of bricks and move them to a different place. I said to Mum, "that's for boys". She told me that it most certainly was not just for boys and that I could play on it if I wanted to. So I put my PPE on (Mum says that's what you call these clothes, she has her own for her work) and I operated the crane while a boy loaded up the pallet. I was very proud of myself!

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