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By pplnani

Emergency Blip

This EB is a few of the things that I kept when we sorted out MiL's bit and pieces :-)

We were very generously given a Christmas present of a substantial amount of vouchers for a well known department store ( famous for it's underwear). I don't normally shop there ( except for aforementioned undies) as I seem to be the wrong shape for their clothes and they don't usually fit very well, so I couldn't decide what to get. I thought it would be best to go there and browse even though I don't much like doing that........we wandered around the store for ages and just couldn't find anything..........I attempted to persuade hubby to try on some much needed new smart casual trousers but was unsuccessful ( I must be losing my touch.......there was a time I could sell snow to Eskimos) .........anyway, I digress, we came out empty handed and walked all the way to the other end of the shopping centre and back ( a long way) wandering in and out of several shops en route ..........we finally came home with just a magazine and sore feet!!..........not the most successful day but definitely one of the most tiring. I hadn't taken any photos so I just quickly snapped these but I was too tired to post them.......will catch up very soon :-)

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