
By kennyje


Spending Diwali lighting crackers and conducting Puja with my Rajput host family in Jaipur, India 

Time spent with my family of intelligent, insightful and inspiring women was a highlight of my stay in India. Dikki, Vinnie, Nanni and I were the residences of 149/134 Hari Marg in which we shared stories, cultures and laughs with one another. Being able to join in their celebration of Diwali, held on the 30th of October, was a unique experience into the traditions of the Hindu religion my family so passionately shared. The time for Puja was specified in the Hindustan Newspaper the day before in accordance to the cycle of the moon and its current stage in the sky. This ceremony is held to host, honor, and worship one or more deities, or to spiritually celebrate and event. To think this is a time for relaxation would be false since the Indian people spend the entire day cleaning the home in preparation for the night festivities. Hinduism values devotion and connectivity with the spirit so these offerings show the gods of their faithfulness. Being apart of the most significant commemoration of one of the world's four largest religions was a experience I won't ever forget.  

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