A Sunny Sunday Drive...

Not something that we do at home but as the “weather event” precluded any hiking, the  drive option was chosen. I was happily in the back snoozing on The Boss’s Camera Pak (asido)  When this amazingly awful loud sorta frenzied klaxon noise started up. The Bossess who was driving had a panic moment as she scanned the instruments for an imminent explosion message, The Boss was looking for the button for the ejector seat and I was regretting having been asleep and obviously missing something important but then The Bossess found her phone in her bag was making all this noise just as The Boss’s phone started up followed by the GPS thingie. It was a Flash Flood warning for our area. Amazing and really useful stuff that N.Z has only just started to “research” for Tsunami warnings after the existing system of hooters has proved to be not ideal.

 The main image is from the Big Sur area where we found a wonderful Cafe complete with fireplace and the extra together with all the rocks, mud and debris on the road is no doubt why we had the warnings.

There was indeed a weather event.

Pawscript..Todays story came after The Boss eyeing a wonderful looking giant cookie complete with smily face asked what flavour it was and got “Sugar” as the answer. He should have known better….

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