Sleepy mode!

I have recently discovered that I can doze off if I play music at just the bare minimum volume. I'm hoping this will help with my stupid insomnia! I need a decent radio though. At first I was using a stupid wind up radio and all I got for my troubles was a sore wrist, and the radio going off while I was still wide awake and a grumpy dog who got annoyed with my winding the damn thing up. My temporary solution is this poxy el cheepo thing with its tinny sound. I  hate poor sound quality. My next purchase will be a little DAB radio but this Godforsaken town doesn't have a shop that would have such a piece of modern junkery. I feel a trip to Glasgagow coming on!
My very first ever radio was a small Ajax one that my dad bought me when I was 10. I used to keep it under my pillow in the convent and listen to it through my earpiece. If the nuns found it I would have been in shtuk for listening to the devils music!

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