Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Hillatoppa hilla hilla hillatoppa........

That translates loosely as "I had the privilege of photographing Hilltop Hoods tonight".

As my photos are exclusive to the publication I work for, until 48 hours after I publish them, I can only share one of the shots that landed on the electronic equivalent of the cutting room floor.

The reason I chose this one is because it shows how much I put my body through in order to get my photos. You can see the other photographers, and work out that I'm more than likely precariously perched in a higher position.

People who don't understand what it is to be a photographer specialising in live music photography frequently tell me that "it can't be that hard".
I get three songs in which to take as many quality photos as possible. I have to work out my prime spots, heights, angles and think mathematically in the lead up to being taken into the photo pit, and I am constantly taking movement into consideration. I have other photographers I need to display utmost etiquette around. It's hot. It's noisy. I've lost count of the time I have been hit by various rogue projectile items.
But, what most people don't realise is just HOW much I put my body through. As I pointed out, you can guess that I am pushing my body to some extremes... What if I told you that I have nerve damage in my right arm, have had two reconstructive surgeries on that arm, require another on that arm, as well as my left shoulder, my left hip, and my right knee - which I fractured a month ago.

I take my job seriously. It's not all hanging out with celebs, living the lifestyles of the rich and the famous. I get paid a pittance for what I do, and I often end up physically hurting myself to get those shots everyone oohs and aahs over (without giving a toss about who took them).
But, emotionally, I gain so much from my job. I knew when I was 11 years old that I wanted to either be a photographer, or somehow in the music industry. Music and photography are my oldest loves. So it is such a privilege to be able to combine them together, and make a career out of it; to be recognised and sought after at an international level; and to form the friendships that I have.
Sometimes it's not the money that makes the best payment.

I'm procrastinating, and moderately sauced... Afterparties. Setting myself up for another hangover.

Onwards with my photos.

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