Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini


Apologies for a few days of absence. Overloaded with photos and deadlines for work, and the resultant hangovers caused by afterparties.

Anywho. Another night. Another gig. Another flood of photos.
This is my friend and coffee guy (that makes him a God amongst men). He's in a pretty darn fantastic band that goes by the name of Clairy Brown And The Bangin' Rackettes.
The name might not ring any proverbial bells to you, as they're a little Aussie band. But, I guarantee you that their music will. See, it's not just ME who thinks they're pretty darn fantastic. Their music features on the brand spankin' new Heineken ad which is being played wherever Heineken is sold.... Which is pretty much worldwide.
I'm so proud of them, and quite humbled.

Tonight was the first time I've managed to get to one of their shows, and I was blown away. Not just by the music... But.... My coffee guy. He scrubs up damn fine. Bit weird. I'm used to seeing him exhausted and covered in coffee and God only knows what else. But tonight, he's all suave... And... Sexy.
Must be the guitar, right?
No. The suit... The hair...
It's just all.... Mmm-mmmm. Bangin'.

Anywho - they will be doing a Europe tour in coming months, supporting big name Aussie band, The Cat Empire, with several London dates.
If you like what you hear on the Heineken ad, check out their other YouTube stuff, and let me know if you're interested in seeing them live. I'll update on their movements at a later date.

Another show... Another flood of photos... Another after party...
Another drunkypants NeonPlumMartini (seems fitting, now)...
Another hangover to deal with in the morning.
Another night in my version of the office.

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