Quick! fire!

A much quieter day today after the busy weekend. We dropped P at school and then came home to wait for G&G. A likes his new fireman costume and spent ages putting out imaginary fires around the house.

G&G were coming round to put up the new blinds in the dining room. But after trying them this way and that, they just didn't fit! Me, Mr J and my dad had all measured the window. The maths works in theory but there was no way they were going in. I was in a bit of strop and drove straight back to the shop to get my money back! I hate DIY. I think we will call some professionals to measure and fit for us. Stupid bay window!

This afternoon we drove to pick up P in the rain. She was complaining of a headache and feeling tired. She didn't want her tea and she didn't want to go to rainbows. We watched the Lion King snuggled up together and then she went to bed nice and early.

Hoping for a more productive day tomorrow.

Calories eaten : 1299
Steps taken : 6792

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