Crazy Day
Snow, ice pellets, more snow, freezing rain, rain, more snow, pouring rain....what a crazy, crazy day! After work, I just couldn't go home and shovel the driveway....I took off for the woods as I knew no one else would be there. Problem was, it was almost dark so my photos are grainy....*sighs*
But oh what fun I had! Take a look at the extras. The four different birds is just an indication of how wild and wonderful it was!! At one point there were at least 20 cardinals flitting around...not to mention all the other birds. It was like they were swarming and I was in heaven.
I did learn that an umbrella means little when it is snowing, raining and windy....I had a difficult time keeping the lens from either having spots or going foggy? Same problem with my glasses. Actually rather funny in hindsight...
Hope you are all having a great week : )
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