Eid (Aith)

A breezy and showery morning, and it's been cold!  Gales started in the afternoon, along with hail and the odd snowy shower. 

I've been working all day on the museum desk.  The day started busy, with various visitors in, and plenty more names for the photo archive.  It was a much quieter afternoon, not surprising with the cold, windy and wet weather.  I managed to get out with Sammy before tea, poor Sammy didn't enjoy the hail bouncing off his nose.  Last squad meeting tonight, just two days until the fire festival :)  And then I'm working in the pub later.

I popped down the road to speak with mam at lunchtime, but she wasn't home.  I tried to have a peerie walk around, but the cold and wind got too much for me.  I did have a peerie nosy at my old house.  My garden has been neglected, but the lass staying in it now is a fine lass.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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