Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Thats one big bird...

Mum cooked the biggest turkey I've ever seen, I didn't think that once they'd got it in the oven they would ever get it out again! Luckily Clark was on hand to do the lifting and carrying. It was slightly accidentally this big, I think we are going to be living off it for the next fortnight.

We had a v nice day - as always I had a big sleep between breakfast and dinner (possibly helped along by all the bucks fizz at breakfast!) and managed to miss out on all the cooking drama, back up just in time for a V&T before the starter :O) I suppose there are some benefits to having this acursed illness!

Dinner was lovely and Claire and I totally ignored all the diet advice we were given - well, what sad prerson is going to count points on christmas day?! Certainly not when there are chipolattas and bread sauce on the go. And best of all, Chocolate and Beetroot Cake from The Storehouse!
Mum phoned them on the 23rd and asked if it was possible to order one and they baked it for us to pick up on Christmas Eve! Amazing. There had better be a slice left for my birthday ;O)

Pub Quiz games being set up now - unfortunately we are all going to be subjected to Eastenders first.....

A Very Merry Christmas To All :O) xx

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