Sunset on Natural Pond

Well folks, here we are at the end of another Saturday. Weekend half gone already. As it is now 10.40pm it doesn't look like I'm going to get much done in the way of commenting tonight. You can blame Mrs.Joesblips who wanted to go for an evening walk down by the sea. This photo was made as the sun went down behind the sand dunes between Kilmichael and Castletown beach. The pond you see here shouldn't be visible at all at this time of the year. It fills up in the winter time every year and dries out again , usually by mid May. I have never seen it in August before but with all the rain we have had this year it never dried out at all. Still, it made for a nice enough blip tonight.
Tomorrow we intend to travel to Dublin to see the tall ships so I guess you can look forward to a nautical blip tomorrow night. See yiu all then.

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