Nautical Miss

11pm and I am only now settling down after a very long say in Dublin. We miscalculated entirely with the tall ships and arrived on a very slow train which was delayed in several places throughout the journey, to discover that the tall ships had mostly left port and were not coming back. At least we got a glimpse of them sailing across the bay, from the window of the train. By the time we got to where the action should have been there were only two left at the quayside. The Falken from Sweden (small) and the Amerigo Vespucci from Italy, the largest ship in the fleet. Oh, I haven't yet sais that the world and its mother was there too. So crowded with people that just walking on the streets was a chore in itself.
We went off into the heart of the city to the Gallery of Photography in Temple Bar. Nothing new there. Just the exhibition which we had already seen BUT we were treated to the most amazing jazz concert in the open air, featuring the very best jazz musiciand in the country... and I do mean the VERY BEST. We stayed listening until 8pm it was so enthralling.
Only time so far to look closely at 3 out of about 140 photos shot during the day. This one looked like blip material. A spectator, blipped as she walked through the crowds. Someone (probably a Chinese sweatshop) made a killing selling these sailors hats. They sold like hot cakes.
Back to commenting tomorrow. Right now it's time for bed. Hope you all had as good a weekend as I had.

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