Steve Dillamore

By Steve_Dillamore

Red and Green

Despite the heavy rain I decided to go for a walk at lunchtime. Not many people out and about, but I'm sure the few that were must have thought I was very odd climbing in and out of soggy hedgerows with a camera. I tried a few pictures of the patterns caused by rain falling in puddles but they were disappointing. There was quite a nice photo of raindrops on berries that I nearly posted but in the end I preferred the colours on this one.

I spent a few hours today preparing the training materials for our team's new recruit who starts Monday. The programming language we use is so archaic that external training isn't an option anymore. I've trained people to use the language before, but not recently. I have to admit that I'm quite looking forward to it. It will make a welcome change from the normal routine. Hope they are too!

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