what we did today...

By SarnieV

Proud Scout

He's very chuffed with his new scout uniform with all the freshly sewn on badges.
Homework has been issued, we've 3 weeks to do it. This year we're going to have a more positive attitude to it. I totally don't agree that they need it in primary school but as they have to do it, I'm going to use it as an opportunity to address the things I think they need to address. I've realised that our attitude to primary school homework isn't instilling a very good work ethic in the boys. So we are going to learn about planning both time and piece of wprk, neatness and presentation. D started work on a poster about a science news item - so he chose the photos taken from the ISS this year. C had to do a poster about why the seasons happen. They spent 2 hours on the task and need soo much input. Either my two don't listen or the school don't teach them anything about planning and presentation of work. Still they'll get a lot from this LOL (linking our learning - homework by another name) even if I need a stiff gin after each session!

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