St Lucia
Today's the day .......................... to fly in the face of
Do you ever feel that the way the Press writes about a particular topic has a huge influence on it and can actually make it happen just the way they say it will?
I suppose I mean things like Brexit or the Trump Election, but - more recently, we were told that weather conditions over the British Isles were going to be dire. Today we were expecting to be knee-deep in snow drifts and traffic to be at a standstill. Well, all I can say is that we aren't - and it isn't - not around here at any rate.
And to emphasise we are having none of it, we have chosen to fly our warmest, sunniest flag from the Caribbean island of St Lucia. The cerulean blue of the background epitomises the sky and the sea, specifically the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Seas which encircle the country. The black and white allude to the harmonious relationship between the black and white races.The yellow symbolises the sunshine, as well as prosperity. The triangles represent the Pitons, twin volcanic cones located in the southwest part of the island which are a national symbol of St Lucia and represent unity.
So there you have it ........................
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