The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The red van

so much depends 

a red wheel 

glazed with rain 

beside the white 

William Carlos Williams
 the red wheelbarrow

Today it was the turn of the red van, in the snow, on the tired council estate.

The sun came out (as it had begun to in this shot) and all too soon the snow was gone. Maybe that's it! My massage client actually walked up our street from the main road, as I had warned her that our street doesn't get gritted, and it was still early. All too soon, she was gone, with the  Mafia-style gift I'd given her: a horse's ear! 

Her husband took the horse that I once rescued from nursery (see link here
He's restoring it for their first grandchild, who is now almost two.
I've had the ear for a very long time, but kept forgetting to give it to her.

Later, I carried on with the sorting-out-the-house project (this one will run and run) and took another load of stuff to the charity shops (I feel the need to keep documenting this; not sure why). I didn't bring home anything that won't be consumed shortly.

I am also trying to declutter the sugary snacks left over from Christmas. My idea is to keep offering them to anyone who visits the house. Steve is only an occasional snacker (he likes Christmas cake) whereas I could eat the whole lot if the mood took me.

Strangely, in the Times newspaper, I came across a double page spread about someone whom I once met while staying with the posh side of our extended family, when they lived in Fife. Apart from the colour of his hair, he looks almost exactly the same as he did in 1980. I recognised him at once. How can people change so little in almost forty years? 

This person now owns a chain of restaurants in Mayfair, where steak and cigars are all the rage. Nigel Farage is a frequent visitor!  I once offered to teach the younger version of this man how to sew on a button (because I thought it was wrong of him to ask his mother to perform a task he could so easily have done himself). 

I wonder if he has learned yet? 
Somehow I doubt it. 

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