I see blue skies...

..through the tears in my eyes.

Popped out at lunchtime to grab a bite. Sadly had just said I might head home for the lunch hour (J&P were over visiting P). No sooner had the words left my mouth than someone said an emergency appointment was on the way in. So had to hop across to the nearby garage to get a roll and stuff my face before they got in.

My 30 minute afternoon gap in consults was absorbed into making up prescriptions, reading over lab results and emailing a referral clinic. Weirdly I didn't even get a chance to make coffee. So a bit of a zombie by the time I got out the building (early enough that the moon hadn't fully risen).

Some organising about plans for Saturday. A colleague is leaving and I somehow have volunteered our place to host a wee farewell gathering. Also hoping to get over the water to meet up with P's family for birthday things

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