Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Ed has to drive me now, as the broken toe does not take to the pedal and brake very well. It is good that we have been married long enough for him to realize that I give up control of the car very reluctantly. It is hard for me to let anyone else drive, but I managed to only make about twenty driving suggestions in the ten minutes it took to get to the grocery store. I think he was rather proud of my "letting go" progress. heh

Snapped this from the car. I love the way the trees have grown over and made a mini "tunnel of trees". When we first moved to the area, I didn't think we'd be here long enough to see them grow so tall, but here they are, and here we are twenty some years later.

My father was in the Air Force, and most of my childhood was spent moving from country to country, so this being in one place has been very nice. My children on the other hand, having been born and raised in the same county, enjoy traveling and moving very much. They always wonder at my lack of wanderlust, but there ya go...I was longing for roots I think.

Happy Boxing Day to those who celebrate it. I love the idea, and have insisted all day that it is a holiday and there is no way I am going to tackle any paper work today.

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