Skip's Blips

By Skip

Deer greets dog

At the beginning of his walk this afternoon, Gulliver drew the attention of this deer. It walked closer and closer, until they were within spitting distance...but they were very civil to each other..just curious.

I got one picture of them closer than this, but it was not as clear. I am still using my point and shoot because my D40 is in for repairs. The P and S is great in bright light, but this was a very dull, overcast afternoon.

Strange weather here lately. We had a lot of snow before Christmas. Then came freezing rain, and it wasn't safe to be on the roads or sidewalks. The snow melted when the freezing rain turned to plain rain. On Christmas morning, we had a little more snow, so now the trails in the park are treacherous. Tomorrow a high temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit is predicted. We'll see what we shall see!

I backblipped the last few days...starting here.

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