what’s the story?

Another early morning start in CMK.  I’m in the Apple shop just after 9.00 for a training workshop and Anniemay is in Specsavers.  We agree to meet at Cafe Rouge for breakfast at 10.15. 
I finish my workshop, Anniemay has new contact lenses and we duly meet up at the appointed place and order breakfast.  One of us has a fruit salad and one of us tucks into bacon and eggs. 
One of the things we picked up from our visit to the Elton John Photographic Exhibition at the Tate on thursday was the idea of a ‘story' behind a photograph.  There’s an article in the Luminous Landscape which describes ‘story’ as:
All that stuff that’s not in the frame, but which you sense, or feel, or imagine, or believe in, because of what you see in the frame. [1]
I’ve tried to suggest, by the framing, that one of us had the healthy option and one of us didn’t.  But that’s not the whole story.  There’s another plate of bacon and eggs out of frame.
  [1] Andrew Molitor, coining a word, The Luminous Landscape, 7 Jan 2017

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