Village Walk

Today has been really productive and pleasing. After Jon & Henry's early archery, I met them at Homebase. There we bought a plank of chip board with that kind of fake wood look (I'm sure it has a proper name) just the same as our kitchen cupboards. Once home, after coffee Jon set to work on making extra shelves. Hey presto, the kitchen just got bigger (to be honest, it couldn't get much smaller!) but what a difference. We also swapped the cooker and cooks cabinet over, and I rearranged all contents, cleaning and tidying very sticky shelves as I went. It was a satisfying job. As my friends know, I am not very good at cleaning....I prefer a bit of dirt and time to do other stuff. I've found it has never done us any harm, and I just don't have the time to keep it show home clean. 

Mollie went in to work, purely to do cleaning up. The pier is still closed, and with quite a few bits broken, it isn't safe for the public. She was finished by 1.

Later on, after the jobs, we went in to the village for a walk with the dogs. It was quite misty, and there wasn't anything special to photograph, but I had my zoom lens on my camera. I went in to the church yard and took this. Then added a filter on my computer which has enhanced it just a little bit. I rather like it.

Home and cooked a roast, and now we are playing scrabble. Last night we beat Pandemic in the nick of time....we don't think we cheated, although the rules are very complicated!

Off for a bath now before Sherlock, our 'must see' family viewing!

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