Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

In the blink of an eye - - -

- - - the visit was over.
(Sorry K, I really wanted a blip of the 2 of you. You still look good with your eyes closed! I expect now you'll post the Wallace and Grommit to get your own back!!!)

Had a leisurely breakfast then set off in 2 cars to climb Sutton Bank and park at the visitors centre. I wanted to take K and R to see the geology exhibition that is currently running. There is also a small display of photographic images of the area. Across the road the gravel path skirts the top edge of the hillside with wonderful views of the Whitestonecliffe and the forests and cornfields below. The glider station was busy and we were able to watch several of the gliders being towed up to catch the thermals enabling them to circle and spiral downwards to the airfield. The weather was a bit dull and the colours not showing to the best advantage for photographs. I like this one simply because it records the visit and a lovely couple of days that passed too quickly. After a light lunch at the centre we went homewards in different directions.

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