Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

Patti pans

It has rained continuously all day today. I have to say I haven't ventured out of the house. Mike took Bracken out for her walks and even she was reluctant to go !
Good weather for sitting learning lines though so that's what I have done for much of the day. I always feel at this stage that nothing is sticking in my mind, it's a bit of a slog!
When I was looking round for my blip I spotted these little squash. My lovely neighbour brought them round for me, her father had grown them. So that's one of the weekend vegetables sorted out. I love the different varieties of squash, they have unusual shapes and come in lovely colours.

PS. The play last night, The Pitman Painters' was fantastic. If you get the chance to see it I really recommend you do. It was very funny but very thought provoking too. The cast were magnificent and the characters really lived on stage.

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