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Having summoned up the energy to go online today and attempt to book flights with Ryanair to Dublin in May, I was totally dispirited to find that despite numerous attempts to pay, nothing happened other than a notice coming up half an hour later saying my payment could not be made at this time. Grrrrr! The annoying thing is that I was using the website of Skyscanner which is situated not 200 yards from the Dower House. I feel as though I should run up to them and yell 'this is not good enough!' *

More happily I went in to town to have Peter May sign my copy of his new book 'Cast Iron'. It is always good to meet this fellow blipper again. He tells me it is -7 degrees back home in SW France while here in Edinburgh it is a balmy 11 degrees today. That could be called temperature inversion.

*finally managed to get the money paid on my laptop rather than on my IPad

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