Why am I here?
Lately, sometimes, I have to remind myself quite forcefully why we moved to France. Brexit (sorry) and everything makes life hard, and it is good on the days that I am struggling with bureaucracy to see an olive tree against a blue sky and remember that summer (in all its senses) will come again and life will be good.
Ok, so it was minus 8 today and I was frozen taking this, but still, it makes me feel warm to look at it. (And also quite grateful that the olive tree seller was right about these trees surviving local winters fine.)
Anyway, why am I still on blip? Eight years? Sheesh. All that tells me is that I have 10 months' worth of missed blips, since I know I started this whole crazy wonderful journey in March. Which March? Well, all I have to do is click back and I can tell you. And what I did on day 2, day 3 and all (nearly) the other days since then. And that, for me, is the first big unforeseen benefit of blip: I know what I did. The second, of course, is the community. I have friends who I have met only through blip. And when I get around to proper international travel again, I hope to meet lots more of you.
(And now, mainly, I'm hoping I have my sums right and this isn't just blip "8 years minus a day....")
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