
By Beewriter


I drove the lorry today......I almost didn't make it out of the garage though. There was a van parked in an awkward place and I couldn't get round it and the pillar. I got the lorry stuck on the post and had to get someone to move the van as I couldn't go forwards or backwards.....there is a nice scratch on the side now :(

When I arrived at the session our manager was there with nine people out on a session visit as they have all applied for a job with us. They all stood and watched me reverse pressure there then! I made that one without incident.

I had a few donors in today who just like to overshare information. Where a simple yes or no would suffice, they feel they have to give more....

"So, you are longer suffering from the water infection?
"I don't think so......but my testicles are red and swollen." 

Sometimes my face is professional but I'm guffawing inwardly. One lady was very petite and I asked her what her height and weight was as she needed to be over the minimum weight. "I'm bigger than I look," she said, "I do wear size 12 knickers." ........errr okay, then ha ha ha ha ha. 

It was a long day. I'm very tired and it is raining so I shall just stick at 7047 steps. 

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