
Today's the day ........................... to be sad

I heard today that a friend of mine had died - and it made me feel very sad.

Not that I had known him for a long time.  Some people are like that though - you feel that somehow you have known them all your life.  And any time that I spent in his company, was always enjoyable.  Adrian was a very good singer and we would often be sitting next to each other in the middle of the choir - marking the boundary between the tenors and the altos.  What a treat to be able to hear his strong, tenor voice as a guide to the alto notes that I should have been singing!  That's him on the left.  It's a sketch that Will did at one of our rehearsals with the French choir with whom we sometimes joined up for a concert. 

There will be a lot of people sad to hear of his passing.  He was a warm and friendly person - enthusiastic and full of life - and universally liked by those he came in contact with.  It seems all the sadder that this time last year, I was mourning the death of another good friend ........................ 

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