Master Mariner

By MasterMariner

Korean Equator Sombrero

We're back on the Ayang II location. Our geographical location is around five degrees south, close to the equator. Side effect of this location is that the sun zeniths approximate right above your head. The intensity of the energy of the sun per square whatever, is at a maximum at that time. If you're working on deck round noon you'll notice hardly any shadow. The shadow of your head will be more or less on your shoulders. Make your head a little bit bigger and you will be working completely in the shadow at the hottest part of the day. That's what the Mexicans found out with their sombrero and that's what this Korean guy also found out. He converted his hard hat into a shockproof sombrero. I don't know why he is wearing all these cloths around his face. I only know that a sunburned face is a sign that you're a poor worker in the Far East. White collar upper class guys have apparently white faces over there. Strange folks these Koreans.

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