Master Mariner

By MasterMariner


What you see here is the Sanha FPSO. It stands for Floating Production Storage Offloading. In earlier days, old tankers were converted for this purpose, but the latest types are special and custom built. This one is anchored out close to Mafumeira, our new location. On the bow you can see the mooring chains coming together in the so called turret. The FPSO can rotate freely around this turret. Officially this is a FPSO LPG depropanizer plant and she has a storage capacity of 135,000 cubic meters. With her 92,700 tons deadweight, she is pretty big. At the nearby Sanha platform, oil and gas is pumped up and the gas is stripped there from condensate and LPG. The LPG is send to the FPSO by pipeline and is depropanized there. This process results in pure propane and butane which is ready for transport by export tankers to be moored alongside the FPSO. Finally your BBQ will work on it.

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