Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

In Loving Memory

Ten days ago, on 17th December, I had to make the heart breaking decision to have my beloved Jack put to sleep. He has been part of my life for seventeen years. I don't know where i found the strength to make such a decision, but I could not bear him to suffer - he was too special for that - so in the end it was no choice really. He died knowing nothing, with the sun shining on his back after a nice brush and lots of carrots. I am thankful I at least had the chance to say goodbye, even though it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

I am also thankful for all the years I had with him, all the amazing rides and the hours and hours of fun we had together. These are the first rosettes I ever won on him at our local village show where he made everyone laugh at the clear round by charging up to the fences, then stopping to sniff and have a look at them before launching himself over them!

He was a huge part of our family and I miss him terribly and all his little ways. He was such a character. No matter how this bad this feels right now, the many happy memories I have that can make me smile make up for it. I will never ever forget my dear friend, my beautiful boy Jack. I'll love you always xxxxx

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