The Best News Ever!!

This morning I've been to see my surgeon and had my first mammogram since that awful day in July 2015 when I received my diagnosis.

Up until now I've been fine, but this morning I woke up feeling rather emotional and got a bit weepy. I think it was the realisation after all my treatment that today was the day I would either get the 'All Clear', or the news that the cancer was still there.

After having a good cry and a hug from Alan I pulled myself together and told him to go to work. I said that I'd be ok as my friend Sian had an appointment for her two year mammogram just 15 mins before me, and we'd be there to support each other. So he left, a little late, but it was hardly planned. Then Rachel phoned me and I ended up in tears on the phone to her!

As I was having my breakfast, I heard a car pulling up and the next thing, Alan walked back in. He said he was coming with me, that he couldn't go to work until he knew I was ok.

Anyway, the good news for both myself and Sian is that we're 'All Clear'! I could now cry with relief!

Looking at the scan results there were lots of little marks on the image, and Alan asked what they were. Apparently they're little titanium markers that were clipped around the area of the tumour, so they can identify where it was. I can now therefore be known as 'Titanium Tits' lol!

So Alan's gone off to work and I'm getting ready to head up North. I'm staying with Alison tonight - taking a bottle of fizz with me to celebrate, and then tomorrow I'm going to stay with my girls until Monday. We've got aunty Nan's funeral on Saturday, which will be a sad day for us all, but at the moment I just feel an enormous sense of relief!

As for the new suite, I've spoken to the General Manager, who was very nice. I've sent photos and I've said that whilst it isn't what we wanted, we quite like it. So as a compromise we'd like them to give us a foot stool in the dark grey to match the sofa, but to also let us keep the light one to go with the chair. I've said that if they don't agree to that, we want the whole suite re-ordering. He is going to speak to the suppliers today and thinks that shouldn't be a problem - it would be a bit of a nonsense if they refuse that wouldn't it!

Anyway, times ticking, I'd better get my packing done and get on the road. Bye for now!

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