A Gift

The photo above of the mirror made to resemble a window shows a gift I made for my cousin and her husband as a wedding gift 39 years ago.  I am at their house in Richmond, VA because our aunt (my mother's last living sibling) died and services are today and tomorrow.  There are 9 of us 11 cousins living, so last night was a wonderful time, while mournful, to celebrate our connections and the gifts from our parents, all of whom are now gone.  I am the oldest of the cousins (my elder died 10 years ago).  My aunt married a Brazilian pediatrician so lived in Brazil for over 50 years until returning the the USA with her 3 daughters and 2 grandchildren after my uncle died 21 years ago.  My cousin asked me to lead the graveside service for her mom, so I am blessed and honored to close this chapter in our lives.

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