
By LadyPride

Mancunian Way

I was working again today, this time it was Manchester's turn. Had to photograph sixty kids for a Back to School promotion in an optician's store in the salubrious surroundings of the Arndale Centre.

After a great day in Liverpool with the Mersey Mums yesterday, I was keen to see what my own city had to offer in the way of cute kids and friendly parents. Sadly, I was left disappointed. We had a real mixed bag of entrants - stroppy kids hyped up on sweets, parents demanding their child should win and a few precocious acting school kids to boot. It was exhausting. Manchester, you let me down I'm sad to say!

At least I had the mental resilience to deal with it today as my husband did the feed in the middle of the night last night. He did it very grumpily though and even half asleep, I was under no illusion that he would have preferred not to. He hates waking up like that, always has and is not a pleasant person to be around at 3am!

He had his first taste of looking after Audrey on his own today too and I'd be lying if I didn't confess to being pleased to hear that he found it difficult. I think every Mum must hope her partner understands what its like to be left with a child all day - he found it difficult to eat anything and confessed to eating his lunch between her cries, couldn't settle her to sleep and said he couldn't do it every day. Hoorah! He gets it! Having said that he did manage to watch several hours of television including a whole football match, so it can't have been all bad!

When I got home tonight I was so happy to not only see Audrey but to know I didn't have to work again tomorrow. I went for a run and came home to feed Audrey before downing a glass of red and eating a delicious meal. It finally feels like the Bank Holiday!

Took today's picture of the deserted streets of Manchester's Northern Quarter early this morning on my way to work. It was the morning after the night before as Saturday had been the start of Gay Pride. Those that were awake that I encountered looked like they'd never slept. I certainly know that feeling after the past few months!

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