Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Sunset flare

Last night we went to see La La Land at our local Everyman cinema, those comfortable cinemas with sofas and side tables for drinks and food. But what has happened to the magic of the movies? For me it has always been the whole experience; enjoying those adverts, getting excited about the forthcoming movies, and then…the main event itself. I am not one of those people who saunter in chatting just as the main film is starting, selfishly blocking those already seated from seeing the screen as they stand there looking for their seats. I like to be seated from the moment the lights dim – but most people don’t seem to share this view anymore. Last night at the movies we had a pair of woman sitting behind us who were absolute motor-mouths, talking loudly and constantly all the way through the adverts and the forthcoming movies, while we had to sit there overhearing their conversation when we were actually trying to hear what was being shown on the screen. Then the girls who sat next to me, who already had a table full of cocktails, then still found it necessary to walk out half way through the film to go buy some nachos to accompany said cocktails. And then they spent the rest of the movie looking at their phones, the bright light from their phone screens being so annoyingly distracting in the dark for those around them.  Or the man next to Gavin, who got nachos delivered to his seat as the main movie was starting and crunched his way through them throughout the film, irritating Gavin. Okay, I know I sound like a grumpy ol’ git but I realised it is more relaxing watching movies at home in the privacy of my own TV room without all these interferences.

As for the movie itself – while Emma Stone was a delight with her beautiful expressive face, her sweet singing voice and her figure hugging dresses and high heels…I am not sure she was enough to carry the whimsical and charming story which was only mildly entertaining, but not really memorable. I think it was meant to be a satirical view on life in Hollywood but did not quite reach the clever satire of say someone like Woody Allen. I know many people have loved the film, and it was awarded so many Golden Globes awards, but quite honestly many TV dramas are more entertaining than this. The music is rather good, with some excellent jazz, and I found myself downloading the hit song 'City of Stars' today as it is rather catchy.

Another beautiful sunny day with frost - I caught the sunset today, it was a good end to a sunny week.

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