Coal man

On the A65, heading east, and just before Crooklands, there is a stone hut by the side of the road and if you pull over the there, you can buy large bags of coal for £7.50 apiece. The chap who runs the place will come out and load them into the back of your car.

I was left standing by the door as he did that, today, and looking in I saw the sight that you can see in the photo (I did ask before I took it). In a strange way, it reminded me of grandad's garage, which was full of the tools of his trade*, and all the other bits and pieces he'd collected over the years, as well as a collection of old bikes, some of which were mounted on the walls. It smelled wonderful. 

After that, I went home and decided to walk the long way 'round to Booths, just to get a bit of exercise. (The weight loss is frustratingly slow.) I bought some food for the kids' supper and also some more non-alcoholic beers. At the checkout, the chap serving me - a friendly guy in, I guess, his sixties - said "Dry January?". Caught slightly off guard, I replied "Well, not just January." He gave me a small smile and said "I'm a bit all or nothing myself". It was a curiously touching moment. 

*He was a plumber although I never recall him working. He was definitely good at what he did - he did all the family's plumbing - but he was seriously averse to leaving the house, except for getting his hair cut, when he'd happily set off on his bike.

Diet news
-3.7kg, which is a bit of a miracle after a large meal and plenty of drinks and Mike and Sarah's, last night.

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