Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

At that Time of the night

Evening all,

In the olden days when i used to do lots of nights, i'd wander into a little office at about three or four in the morning and look eastward across the city.

Faint twinkling lights, solitary traffic trails and the glow from garish street lamps combined to almost make the place look picturesque.

If i looked out the other window,at roughly the same time of night, i'd be treated to the comedy escapades of the student drunks wobbling and winding their way up the steep Sheffield hills, propping each other up for companionship and balance, til they tumbled into their lovely,comfy sweat stained beds, or doorways of kebab shops!

My friend, on a drunken night out in Manchester was once abandoned by his friends (not me) in a shop doorway overnight, understandably aggrieved the next morning he complained that he could've been robbed without knowing.

His dad quietlty pointed out to him that actually it could've been worse...he could've woke up with an extra tenner in his wallet and a sore bottom!

night all


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