
By momcat1

Yellowstone Day 3

So, this day we decided to sleep in a little and have a nice , slow breakfast then go cross country skiing. Neither of us are particularly  good skiers , so we decided to do the (flat) GeyserBasin trail which runs on the paved trail . It's 2.5 miles to the Morning Glory pool and the trail starts at that other icon of Yellowstone : Old Faithful .Our ski started and ended actually watching Old faithful go off. So today's blip is Old Faithful at the peak of the geyser erupting. The Norris geyser basin has quite a few geysers, but there are also a lot of boiling pools, fumaroles, and hot springs. There are steam clouds in just about every direction. That may be why the fact that this whole basin is essentially a volcano really hit me this time. So , one of the extras is just a shot across a snowy field with  steam rising from an unknown geyser in the background.. The bison was hanging out not far from the river.
Since we are old fogeys now it took us about 5 hours to ski about 5 miles. I consoled myself with reminding myself it was all flat so it was all work and no easy hills. Just as well , my usual method of stopping is falling over in a snowbank :))

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