And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

what do you call a nun in a wheel chair???

answer ***virgin mobile***

hope you liked the wee joke, a little giggle goes along way on a wet miserable day.

Well I had a lovely time at mums yesterday, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I enjoyed the punch too mm mm :P anyway it was a late one and we had so many laughs, why do I get so worried? anyway if you missed it this is my blip from yesterday.

when we got home dan was in the kitchen waiting to greet us, he said dad had been on phone a few times drunk asking for me or Dave, and that my sis had been on phone to him too, re my dad. My phone was in my bag for the evening on silent and im glad it was as it would have spoilt my night, anyway I think its pretty rude having your mobile on at gatherings there is really no need. Any ways turns out for the second Sunday this month dad got absolutely paralytic down the pub! hes been a drinker since he was 16 and all my younger years I was used to him rolling in the door trying to cook food falling asleep and the house full of smoke, its not that mum had not cooked for him but after midnight the dog used to get his dinner or me and mum would share it thats where my comfort eating started. mum would cry and I would look after her it went on for years im sat here with tears in my eyes and I dont no why im not sad I just cant believe how long mum put up with him for. Anyway it was left to sis to pick him up bear in mind she as a ill 2month old to look after! drinkers are selfish!!! when she picked him up she was fuming and she noticed blood on his arm he had fallen over but he didnt no where it happened. He got in the car couldn't put his seatbelt on when they reached him home she had to walk him up the outside steps he then tried opening the door with the button on his car keys sis shouted at him and said she would not be picking him up again he said would you rather me drink drive! she said some choice words to him he then started crying, she walked down the steps and stood there a few mins later his door was still open so she went back up and he was stood in the same place crying.I found out all this when I called her this morn, so I got dave to drop me round there this morn to talk to him and told him not to go back to his old ways because he wont have nothing. I told him the stuff he had done he just laughed a nervous kind of laugh. Dave picked me up after and put some new curtains up for him, then we did him some shopping as there is no way he could drive. god think this is my longest blip to date RANT OVER!

called at mums today and took a pic of the cake dave made they still have not cut it and i was hoping for a wedge slither.

your friend always c x x x

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