
Blob of red is Katie skipping off to B's house. There's a final road we cross together after which she sets off skipping or running as fast as possible to get to the door for a hug. It was piano this morning. Last proper piano lesson before the festival on Saturday, though her and B are going to have a little gentle mess around with the pieces after Katie's clarinet lesson on Friday.

She scooted to school after her lesson and was a little unnerved to find the schools security shutters down in reception because there's an external course on. The way into school when the shutters are down is through the hall. Where the course was! Dancing this lunchtime though & she loved it. She said she got to be at the front of the line for the jumps.

After school it was straight to ballet. Miss V has been in China and came back with some new stretches and exercises so I think they worked especially hard. Then off to band. She seemed to have fun and managed fine taking her new thumbrest for the first time.

We got home about 8.15 but she wanted to do her new stretches that they've been given as homework so it was close to 9 before I put her to bed!

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