Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Early start

My Tuesdays always start with an hours walk, trying to get back home as the children are going to school.

The sunrise was lovely, had to take the shot as by the time I was in a better position the sunrise would have happened!

Mum was in bed on my arrival, she is deteriorating, she has finished her anti-biotic today, but didn't want to wake up whilst I was there. Put some music on, brushed her hair and moisturised her face, all while she was asleep. Eventually, and just briefly, I was singing and she partly opened her eyes, I said "hello" and she smiled. She then went back to sleep! :)

This afternoon, I had my hair done before going to my work room and producing a valentine postcard (see extra) - challenge on Facebook, same as Christmas postcard :)


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