She's a model and she's like looking good

Check out these babies..

I have never been one for clothes - if they are fit for purpose i wear them, and i wear them til they die. I don't do labels and i brought my kids up to be the same - Both of them have developed a bit more skill in the looking great when on display than i or their father ever have.

In my first job as a restaurant manager, one of the more senior managers had a word with me to the effect i should try and be a bit more 'business like' and less ... casual was the word she used but unkempt, sluggish, untidy was probably more fitting.

I looked at myself, thought okay, black teeshirt and kinda smart trousers maybe didn't say 'the management', but I'm never going to be a glossy type.

Anyhoos - i took my wild and wavy hair to the hairdresser and had it permed in the 80's style of the time... it kept my curls in one place without effort and i could wash it and leave it (yeah lazy buggar).

Then i took my arse to Next and bought a suit and some white blouses and a pair of heels and stockings.

Then i went over to the main office from my branch and walked in.

And every buggar just walked past me! Not one person recognised me!

Didn't stick with that job for much longer

Whats the point of dressing so you arent you any more?

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