
By Angelique


Took Phoebe down to the beach and saw this amazing sky.  Fortunately whatever it was carrying went inland.

We had spent the day cutting back all the dead undergrowth and managed to fill a very large dumpy bag which we will take to the dump.  Hopefully by taking out all the decaying leaves might stop some of the snail/slug infestation this year.

We have just 3 whole months left living in this house as our promised 2 years will be up in May.  And although our Landlord is happy for us to stay, sadly we cannot afford it.  So where do we go from here?

We just don't know and still hope for guidance.  We didn't ask for this amazing provision and as our whole life has been an incredible journey, we await the next instalment!

Hope the week is being positive to you all and sending hugs.  True love is more powerful than hate!!  xxxxx

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