RR Swing Bridge #1556....

....located in the Milwaukee River. Weighing 800 tons and at 243 feet long, it was an engineering marvel in it's time (1915).  It pivots in the center like a giant turntable, & when turned to join with each side of the river, it carried some 100 trains per day from the main line of the Chicago & Northwestern RR across the water. Although it's no longer used, it's still fully functional, & is a designated County Historical Site.
As you can tell from the picture, we're on day "one million" without the sun (ok, a slight exaggeration on the number of sunless days but it FEELS that long), and it's still foggy and rainy--supposed to turn to snow later today, but it's 40 degrees so it's too warm to freeze unless we get a big temperature drop.
I added a picture of the Pierpoint Lighthouse in my extras--fog included--if you look to the left of the Pierpoint, above the fence,  you can just barely make out the Breakwater Lighthouse that I blipped on Monday; & If you look directly upward from the geese, toward the horizon line, you can just make out the shape of a ship leaving the harbor!   :)

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