The River...

...that used to power the wheel of the old mill.
Today is my birthday, and my sister invited me to lunch in Cedarburg at our favorite place, located inside the old mill alongside the river. They make fantastic crepes with just about any filling imaginable, & they were delicious. We did a little shopping before I headed home, and as I walked in the door I could hear the skype noise--it was Jennie and my granddaughter, who sang happy birthday to me & we had a nice visit. The mailman brought me cards and a package from Courtney, Matt & the twins, which, among other things, had a picture of me: "The Birthday girl", as drawn by Addy--looks just like me, too!  Haha! We're leaving now for dinner, as Tom's taking me to a place I've been wanting to try, which supposedly has wonderful steaks, so it's been a fun day & I've been spoiled!  :)

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